Twin Brothers Find a Perfect Match
A story about fraternal twin brothers Derek Pfeifer (Nebraska-Kearney, 2027) and Dylan Pfeifer (Nebraska-Kearney, 2027) appears on the KGFW website, highlighting their college choice, their career aspirations in health care and their decision to join Delta Tau Delta. Derek is the Theta Kappa Chapter's director of recruitment, and Dylan is the chapter's director of standards. They attended both Compass and Emerge earlier this year and shared reflections on the Delta Tau Delta programs below.
Compass and Emerge Q&A
What was something important you learned Emerge?
Dylan: During Emerge, I learned valuable lessons for my leadership position and how to better connect with my brothers. While at Emerge, I was able to meet other members of chapters in our region. With this experience, I learned ways to improve in my position as director of standards and how to lead as a Delta Tau Delta member. During Emerge, we had our entire Executive board in attendance, in which we were able to get a good idea of what the year would be like. We were able to plan the year with other Delta Tau Delta alumni's opinions and advice to help maintain the level of success in our chapter. This conference allowed us to get a head start on the year to make sure our chapter was ready for the upcoming events.
What made attending Compass valuable?
Dylan: When encouraged to attend Compass, I was not sure what kind of experience it would be. However, attending Compass was one of the best decisions I made since joining Delta Tau Delta this past fall. While participating in Compass I met people from all over the country. I was fortunate enough to be placed in a group of young men who had the same aspirations as me. We all wanted to do everything in our power to help grow Delta Tau Delta and set an example for future brothers. To this day, I still communicate with the members of my group and am grateful for the connections I made while at Compass. I learned how to further enhance brotherhood within my chapter and how to use my strengths to help it grow. Compass was able to teach me how to work and develop with a group of brothers as well as it taught me how to truly be a selfless brother within the chapter. We had 14 members from our chapter that went to Compass in which we have already seen the impact this experience has had on our chapter. Since Compass our chapter has gone above and beyond to have more brotherhood events, to embrace our connections and skills from each member in the chapter.
What would your advice be to a Delt member unsure about attending a program like this?
Dylan: Taking a step out of your comfort zone and meeting new people is the best thing you can do to help build your character and knowledge. Participating in these two programs has helped me learn more about myself, how to better myself, and how to enhance our chapter and grow together.
Both programs were excellent, and I hope the programs will continue to grow in the future!
What was something important you learned at Emerge?
Derek: Looking back at Emerge, I now fully understand the importance of recruitment. As the Director of Recruitment, I realize I am responsible for the future of Delta Tau Dela. With that being said, some valuable insights I took away from Emerge were strategies other chapters use, how to know if a new member will fit well in our chapter or not, having a large names list, finding what the individual wants out of joining, and that people join people. In addition, being in this position some characteristics one must have such as being easy to get along with, personal, and engaging. These are important traits because you need to be able to get along well with everyone you recruit as well as keep our fraternity as their number one choice. One of the outcomes I wanted from Emerge was how to make the closing point when recruiting someone. Dan Kuenzi, who lives in Iowa, gave me a tip I will never forget. As you are approaching the final decision of giving them a bid card a good final question to ask, “What would be a reason you wouldn’t except the bid card?” Without leaders like Dan, the questions I had would have ever been solved.
What made attending Compass valuable?
Derek: I will say that one of my favorite experiences of joining Delt has been my trip to Compass. Compass was not just about being a Delt sure there were times when we did focus on being a Delt, but it truly was about us. At Compass, one of the most valuable experiences was the relationships our group had built. I can honestly say if I happen to be in Colorado, Idaho, or New York, I could reach out to any of those guys, and we could get together like we saw each other yesterday. On a personal level, I took away the importance of understanding your emotions. We were given an Emotions Wheel and where we were able to see a broader picture of how we truly were feeling. I have found myself at times saying a word and meaning something completely different; however, with the Emotion Wheel, I can understand my feelings better. In addition, I learned that, as men, we are still able to show emotions and that even though we see ourselves as tough young men, it is okay to talk to someone about what you are going through.
What would your advice be to a Delt member unsure about attending a program like this?
Derek: If you are unsure about attending a program, I would ask, "Why wouldn’t you?" If you do not take advantage of these opportunities now, you will regret not participating. The number of friends you make and people you meet is what makes these programs so special. In addition, it is always a great opportunity to make yourself a better man.