Start a Chapter
Becoming a founding father of a colony is an exhilarating experience. Nowhere else does someone have the opportunity to completely redefine the fraternity experience. Here is a chance for one to leave his legacy in a profound and meaningful way. What legacy would you like to leave on campus? How will you craft your unique college experience?
There are several ways to start a Delt chapter on your campus if one does not already exist.
Staff-Supported Expansion Project
Each year, Delta Tau Delta partners with select campuses across the country to start new colonies by way of a staff-supported expansion projects. Fraternity staff members live and work on campus for a month, meeting with student leaders, holding informational sessions, and interviewing potential new members. New Members are identified by way of referral and are selected based on their academic qualifications, campus involvement, and leadership potential among other traits. A typical Delt expansion will involve more than 800 interviews with potential new members, and results in a group of between 30 and 60 founding fathers committed to lives of excellence.
The fraternity typically undertakes one to three new projects per semester. Check the Delt news feed for updates on where we will be coming next!
Interest Groups
If your school does not have a Delt chapter and there are no current plans for a formal Delt expansion, you can still be part of the Delt experience. The Fraternity regularly is contacted by men wanting to take the founding of a chapter into their own hands by forming an interest group.
Some of Delta Tau Delta’s very best chapters started as interest groups. Founding fathers associated with interest groups typically possess strong leadership abilities, excellent accountability, and unwavering integrity. Successful interest groups become officially recognized colonies after reaching some preliminary benchmarks and take between one and two years to charter (when a colony becomes a chapter).
How Do I Start A Delt Interest Group?
Start a conversation with the university: We view our relationship with campus partners as collaborative. It is important to have a school's support before we start a Delt chapter on campus.
Strength of membership: Interest groups are eligible to become colonies of Delta Tau Delta when they have reached a membership of at least 20 men.
Strong academic achievement: Founding fathers generally have over a 3.0 GPA and recruit men with a similar academic profile.
Local Advisor: Groups can get a jump on their organizational structure by identifying a faculty advisor. This gives the Fraternity an additional point of contact and sets the group up for academic success from the start.
Contact the Delta Tau Delta Central Office: We would love to hear from you! Working with new groups is thrilling for us and we want to support your effort.
Contact the Fraternity's Director of Growth for additional information.