Instructions for Filling Out the Grant Request
Step 1: Indicate the primary contact on behalf of the requesting entity as well as their address and telephone number. Fill in the full legal name of the requesting entity. If this is a House Corporation, use the corporate legal name. If it is an advisory group, use the official name of the committee so as to eliminate any confusion about who is making the request. All requests must be made by an alumni advisor or house corporation officer.
Step 2: Indicate the grant request type. Check the box specifying the approved forms of grants and scholarships. For other projects attach additional information regarding the request form. Please note that computer equipment and software must have already been purchased and an invoice submitted showing detail of purchase and total cost.
Step 3: Indicate the grant request amount in dollars.
Step 4: Check whether this is a one-time request or an annual request. If this is the first time this grant request has ever been made, also check ‘first time ever requested.’
Step 5: Program description. Dependent upon the nature of the request, indicate what specific materials, equipment or expenses are being requested.
Step 6: Educational Impact. Describe in a few short sentences how this grant request will have an educational impact on the individuals involved as well as the collateral benefit to other members of the chapter.
Step 7: Total Projected Cost. Provide a breakdown of the total cost of the educational items to be purchased, educational area improvements, scholarships awarded or total cost to attend the conference, Karnea or other educational experience. Indicate if flying (include airfare estimate) or driving (number of cars, estimated mileage both ways)
Step 8: For division conference, educational experience, Karnea. Provide the school name, chapter name, number attending for which funds are being requested and names of individuals attending.
This application process has been developed as a part of the Foundation’s stewardship responsibilities. The Educational Foundation considers the relationship of our donors with the Foundation to be of paramount importance and is excited about being able to offer chapters educational support through earmarked gifts and bequests from alumni.
Please note that computer equipment and software must have already been purchased and an invoice submitted showing detail of purchase and total cost.