Who Should Meet with the Leadership Consultant?
At the end of the day, any member who wants to meet with the consultant can and should schedule a meeting with him. Two weeks prior to the start of the visit the chapter or colony leadership will receive an introductory email with a link to the scheduling app. This should be sent to all members. There are a few positions who he needs to meet with. In addition, there are some suggested people who should meet with him as well.
- President
- Vice President(s)
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Recruitment Chairman
- Director of Member Development
- Director of Risk Management
- New Member Educator
- Chapter Advisor
- Fraternity and Sorority Life Advisor (as schedule permits)
- Director of Academic Affairs
- Philanthropy Chairman
- Sergeant-at-Arms
- House and Grounds Chairman (if applicable)
- Community Service Chairman
- Social Chairman
- Brotherhood Chairman
- Guide
- Alumni Chairman
- House Corporation President
- Division Vice President
- Other Chairman
- Any member who would like
- New Member Class
- Member interested in becoming a chapter consultant