The Impact of Hazing and How to Prevent It

Too many lives have been cut short, shattered and derailed as a result of hazing. Delta Tau Delta continues to educate members and provide resources to empower members to prevent hazing.

On Sept. 20, Delta Tau Delta shared the Anti-Hazing Coalition program and discussion, “Love, Mom & Dad, Turning tragedy into progress,” at the start of HazingPrevention.Org’s National Hazing Prevention Week. The Anti-Hazing Coalition (AHC) is a collaboration of the National Panhellenic Conference, the North American Interfraternity Conference and parents whose children were tragically killed by acts of hazing. The AHC is working to eradicate hazing through aggressive student educational outreach, new state-level efforts to strengthen criminal and civil penalties for hazing and federal advocacy to use transparency to make lasting cultural change in student organizations and on university campuses.

Parents include Rich and Maille Braham, parents of Marquise Braham; Sylvia and Shawn Cumberland, parents of Nicky Cumberland; Deb Debrick, mother of Dalton Debrick; Stephen and Rae Ann Gruver, parents of Max Gruver; Lianne and Brian Kowiak, parents of Harrison Kowiak; and Jim and Evelyn Piazza, parents of Tim Piazza.

Due to the impact of COVID-19 and limited in-person experiences on campus, this nationwide presentation streamed live on social media to share their son’s stories and educate current students about hazing prevention. These families each suffered unimaginable loss because of fraternity hazing. As they share their stories they challenge ALL fraternity and sorority members to take up the fight to end hazing now.


During the 2018-2019 school year, these parents spoke to more than 50,000 students. Parents are also being invited to speak with students — including fraternity men and sorority women—at both the local and national levels.

In early 2019, Delta Tau Delta invited speakers from the Anti-Hazing Coalition to all five division conferences. Richard Braham spoke to Delt chapter leaders at the Eastern Division Conference and Lianne Kowiak spoke at the Northern, Southern and Western Pacific Division Conferences. At the Western Plains Division Conference, Delts gathered for a video of “Love, Mom & Dad,” the keynote address given by the parents of Tim Piazza, Max Gruver, and Marquise Braham, at Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s John O. Moseley Leadership School. Those in the attendance at all sessions were visibly touched by the losses experienced by the families. “This was a very emotional and heartfelt presentation. I would be surprised if anyone who was hazing would want to continue after seeing that,” said one participant. “It really made you think about the implications and consequences of hazing,” said another.

Facilitated question and answer sessions followed the speakers leading to valuable discussion on how men can fight hazing on their campuses. “Hazing has no place within Delta Tau Delta,” said Jack Kreman, CEO of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity. “You have the power to ensure your chapter programming reflects a life of excellence.”

The parents from the Anti-Hazing Coalition challenged Delts to take home what they learned, share it with others and make the right choices to make a difference going forward. One participant said the experience helped him formulate topics of discussion within his chapter and another commented, “This showed how real hazing is and that we need to step up and put an end to it.” If you or someone you know has been or are being hazed, help is available. Call toll free 1-888-NOT-HAZE.