Rho Chapter's "Delt Wall of Achievement"

Three years ago, Rho Chapter at Stevens Institute of Technology initiated a Delt Wall of Achievement as a means of memorializing some of the chapter's alumni. The first inductee was Brother Alexander “Sandy” Calder (Stevens Institute of Technology, 1919) on Alumni Weekend 2019 during the University’s Calder Centennial Celebration. Dylan Pyne (George Washington University, 2012) represented Delta Tau Delta at the event.
The Covid-19 global pandemic meant inductions for 2020 and 2021 were postponed until June 3, 2022 when Ed Eichhorn (1969) and John Dalton (1961) inducted two alumni to the Wall of Achievement:
- 2020 inductee: John W. Lieb, (Stevens Institute of Technology, 1880)
- 2021 inductee: Alexander Crombie Humphreys (Stevens Institute of Technology, 1881)
Learn more about the newest inductees
Joe Garvey (1971) presided over a ceremony in the Great Hall of the Samuel C. Williams Library in front of the stained-glass window of “The Scholar,” Thomas Aquinas, from the original Delt Shelter at Stevens. Garvey recounted the history of the shelter that was torn down in 1963 to make room for the library, including the salvage operation of Gerry Crispin (1969) who found the stained-glass window in disrepair behind the boiler in the new Delt Shelter. The stained-glass window was salvaged, restored and donated to the Samuel C. Williams Memorial Library where it hangs in the Great Hall beneath a Calder mobile.
Rho Chapter is the only Greek organization at Stevens that preserves its proud history through a Wall of Achievement. The idea for a Wall of Achievement came about from an afternoon when Bruce Boylan (1963), Crispin and Dalton spent in the library’s da Vinci room in 2016 researching the origin of the Delt Shelter.