No Chapter is an Island
Many brothers boast the level of brotherhood they share with each other. Examples like new member class bonds and big-little relationships are definitely an important aspect of chapter life. As a fraternity man though, if your circle of friends is limited to only your brothers, it is failing you in a critical aspect. By definition, we are a social organization that exists to support and be a model to those around us. It is difficult to be a benefit to society if you are disconnected from it. As Delts, our Ritual charges us even further with the obligation of interfraternalism: the practice of supporting and respecting the sororities and other fraternities in our community.
Imagine this scene. The philanthropy chair set up a week of promoting and raising money for JDRF in the student union building. Members have signed up to help at different times. Some just sit and watch other students pass by without saying a word. The more active brothers though come out from behind the table and actively engage their friends and peers who, in turn, are more likely to support the cause.
So if the goal is to expand our social circle, what are the best ways to do so? Join student organizations on campus that promote your interests or open intramural teams of your favorite sport. Take leadership roles in service groups to get in contact with other undergraduates devoted to giving back. Get to know the classmates that you sit next to every day or your fellow Greeks at tailgates and other campus events. Some of the best bonds can be shared by members of different Greek organizations and lead to phenomenal efforts that have immediate and lasting impacts on campuses across the country.
Here are a few ways to be more interfraternal:
- Get involved with the Interfraternity Council
- Organize a Road program or event with another chapter
- Plan a brotherhood event and invite another chapter
- Conduct a recruitment workshop with a sorority
- Send congratulatory notes to other chapters on their Founder’s Day
- Host a panel discussion about the future of fraternity and sorority life and invite the entire community
- Attend the Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute (UIFI) or Futures Quest*, programs sponsored by the North-American Interfraternity Conference
- Talk with your campus Greek advisor about hosting an IMPACT on your campus
*Futures Quest is held in Brookston, Indiana December 15-17 or January 4-6. Applications are available on Delts Connect and are due November 2. Scholarships cover the $395 registration fee; travel expenses to Indianapolis are not included.