Joe Hiatt
Chapter Leadership Consultant
Joe Hiatt (Nebraska at Kearney, 2024) graduated summa cum laude from the University of Nebraska at Kearney in 2023, earning a bachelor's degree in political science with concentrations in public policy administration and comparative politics, along with a minor in ethnic studies. He also obtained an MBA with a specialization in business, information technology, and education in 2024 and is currently pursuing a Doctorate of Public Administration at the University of Illinois Springfield.
Within the Fraternity, Joe served as chapter president, vice president, and director of communication. During his tenure, Theta Kappa received prestigious awards such as the Hugh Shields Award for Chapter Excellence two times and the Court of Honor Award four times. He also served as president and vice president of public relations for the interfraternity council and lobbied for the Fraternal Government Relations Coalition Capitol Hill Visits. He has served the larger Fraternity as a member of the Undergraduate Council, Program Evaluation Committee, and Board Development Committee.
Joe has been honored with a North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) with an Award of Distinction, received the UNK Alumni Association Outstanding Senior Award, the UNK College of Arts & Sciences Outstanding Senior Award, the UNK Leadership Legacy Award, and the UNK Outstanding Student Organization Leader Award. Beyond his fraternity involvement, Joe was actively engaged in various campus organizations, including Student Government, the Honors Program, Chancellor's Student Ambassadors, Mortar Board, the Undergraduate Research Fellows Program, FBLA Collegiate, and Order of Omega, among others.
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Chapter: Theta Kappa
College: University of Nebraska at Kearney
Class of 2024