How to Make a New City Feel Like Home

Posted by: Tom Connelly - March 20, 2014

As students’ progress through their college experience, everything for the most part is mapped out. The end of one semester gives way to the beginning of the next. This system makes it very easy to plan out your time in college; however, what happens when you graduate? What happens when there are no more classes to be taken, books to be read, or papers to be written?

For those who move on to join the work force right after graduation, often times there is a step we are never instructed about; that step being how to acclimate to our post-graduate life in a brand new city. Here are a few helpful pointers that will make any transition easier.

  1. Do Your Homework. Just because you are out of school does not mean you are finished learning. Figure out what your new home has to offer. If you enjoy a sport, see if that city offers it recreationally, this time studying can lead to…
  2. Trying New Things. Head into the newest chapter of your life with an open mind, there are thousands of opportunities. Every region has its unique idiosyncrasies, you will never know if they are for you unless they are given a chance. A good way to find great new opportunities is to…
  3. Ask Questions. The first few days in a new place can be somewhat overwhelming, so ask some of the locals for advice. The majority of cities are packed with people who are happy to share their opinions on the local restaurants, stores and other businesses. There is no harm in asking locals for a little know-how.
  4. Enjoy It. This new chapter in your life should be an exciting new experience.