Delta Tau Delta Re-Installs Gamma Omega at the University of North Carolina

Delta Tau Delta re-installed Gamma Omega Chapter at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill on Saturday, April 21, 2018. The men of Duke University performed the Rite of Iris and Ritual welcoming 35 founding fathers.
International President Jim Garboden (University of Pittsburgh, 1988) presided over the ceremonies joined by Southern Division President Tiger Edwards (Southeastern Louisiana University, 1973. Keith Freeman (University of North Carolina, 1991) and Michael Llewellyn (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1985) will serve as co-chapter advisors.
Chief Operating Officer Jack Kreman (University of Nebraska-Kearney, 2004) presented the Eversole Badge to Tarik Woods (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2020). The president of every new chapter is given this gift to pass down to each president thereafter.
Western Pacific Division President Nigel Manick (University of California – Riverside, 2002) also attended, making good on a promise he had made to Woods following a discussion of colony goals during the Minnesota Ignite in 2017. “I told him that if they earn their charter within the next 12 months, that I would be one of the first people standing in line to shake his hand after he gets initiated,” Manick said. “The installation itself was fantastic. I was very impressed with the undergraduates, the alumni and the volunteers that came out to support the chapter. The look on Tarik's face when he first saw me there was priceless.”
Edwards remarked on the excellent Rite of Iris and Ritual by Delta Kappa as part of a spectacular installation day. “The sky was Carolina blue and there was a great turnout of undergraduates, parents and alumni on the lawn at the Carolina Inn for the banquet. You couldn't ask for more, and we have re-chartered Gamma Omega, a tombstone chapter, with 35 fine young men. It was truly a magical day,” Edwards said.
The installation was followed by a celebratory banquet where guests included Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundation Board of Director Mark Nichols (Kansas State University, 1991), and Ion Outterbridge, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life.
Director of Chapter Services Doug Russell (Western Kentucky University, 2010) and Director of Growth Adam Abbott (Morehead State University, 2017) also attended.
President Garboden delivered a keynote address after presenting the chapter charter signed by all 35 re-founders of the Gamma Omega Chapter. The chapter was first installed on May 7, 1921 and re-chartered in 1972. Prior to Delt’s recent colonization in February 2017 the Fraternity had not been active on campus since 1996.