Delta Tau Delta Re-Installs Delta Lambda at Oregon State University
Delta Tau Delta re-installed Delta Lambda Chapter at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Ore. on Saturday, June 2, 2018 welcoming 31 founding fathers.

International President Jim Garboden (University of Pittsburgh, 1988) presided over the ceremonies and delivered the keynote address after presenting the chapter charter signed by the 31 re-founders. Western Pacific Division President Nigel Manick (University of California – Riverside, 2003) joined Garboden along with Second Vice President John Hancock (Whitman College, 1987) and Western Plains Division President Dan Loving (Oklahoma State University, 1972). Former International President Jeff Heatherington (Willamette University, 1965) also attended.
“We are excited to have Delta Lambda back as an active chapter,” Manick said. “The undergraduate men have tremendous potential and I am eager to see the great things they will accomplish. I was impressed by the number of Delta Lambda alumni who attended the installation ceremony and banquet.”
Garboden echoed Manick’s comments and praised the chapter’s volunteer team, those who planned the installation and the Gamma Rho Chapter at the University of Oregon for its performance of the Rite of Iris and the Ritual.
Chief Operating Officer Jack Kreman (University of Nebraska-Kearney, 2004) presented the Eversole Badge to Kobe Nelson (Oregon State University, 2019). The president of every new chapter is given this gift to pass down to each president thereafter. Kreman represented the Central Office along with Director of Growth Adam Abbott (Morehead State University, 2017), and Director of Risk Prevention and Education Ken Tubbs (John Carroll University, 2011).
More than 125 guests joined brothers for a celebratory banquet including 20 Delta Lambda Chapter alumni. Notable guests also included Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundation President Steve Vedra (Butler University, 2002), Western Pacific Division Vice President Kris Troha (Clemson University, 1995), Portland Alumni Chapter President Gerald Kelly, (Oregon State University, 1958), Chapter Advisor Jason Feiner (Bradley University, 1997), Assistant Chapter Advisor Adam Drey (University of Nebraska, 2007), Assistant Dean of Student Life and Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life Leslie Schacht Drey and 99-year old Delta Lambda alumnus Steve Besse (Oregon State University, 1943).
Delta Lambda Chapter was first installed on May 24, 1930. The chapter had been inactive since 1999 until recolonization in the fall of 2016 led by Chapter Leadership Consultants Connor Hollrah (Westminster College, 2015), Alberto Saenz (Eastern Michigan University, 2016) and Lijah Vann Gardner (Chapman University, 2016).