Delt's First Student Director

In the fall semester, International President Ro Palmieri (American University, 1999) sat down with the Fraternity’s first student director to share some of his background and perspective. Andrew Welch (2024) is the president of Zeta Psi Chapter at The University of Southern Mississippi, where he is a freshmen mentor and on the Honors College Leadership Council.
Palmieri: Why did you join Delta Tau Delta?
Welch: I joined Delta Tau Delta for the lifelong connection and friendships that I now share with my brothers. I always had a need for a tight-knit community that holds its members accountable, and I found that in Delta Tau Delta. I look back fondly on my recruitment experience, as, without Delt, I would not be the leader I am today.
Palmieri: What is excellent about your chapter?
Welch: My chapter exhibits excellence in several different ways. For example, our philanthropic impact is the largest on fraternity row at USM. We value giving to causes that make a significant impact on the lives of the beneficiaries of those charitable causes. We also exhibit excellence in our work around campus, and many of our members hold premier student leadership positions in our Office of Orientation and Transition Programs, Student Government Association, Student Veterans of America, and countless others.
Palmieri: Please tell me what brotherhood means to you.
Welch: Brotherhood, to me, is a collection of people who value a shared sense of community and hold each member of that community to a higher standard. Through this accountability, all members of the brotherhood realize their full potential as individuals.
Palmieri: Why did you run for student director?
Welch: I ran for student director to voice the opinions and concerns of the undergraduate body to the upper executives and directors of the Fraternity. The modern age of fraternity life is shifting, and swift, firm responses to these changes are necessary in the fight to show the value Fraternity men, especially Delts, offer to their schools, community and the world.
Palmieri: What do we need to accomplish as a Fraternity? How can our brothers reach out to you and offer feedback or thoughts about the Fraternity?
Welch: We as Delts need to revitalize the way that Delts across the nation recruit for the Fraternity. The expectation that surrounds Greek life is that all fraternity men must abide by the cookie-cutter background and look that is typical of a “frat dude.” We, as Delts, are aware that men of quality can come from all backgrounds, and I encourage my brothers to foster environments in their chapters that are welcoming and exemplify excellence in all that we undertake. The best way to reach out to me is via email or text message, and I will present concerns and ideas to the Undergraduate Council for discussion.
Palmieri: How have mentors (Fraternity or others) prepared you for the student director role?
Welch: My mentors inside the Fraternity, whether peers or advisors, have prepared me for my role as student director. The lessons of the Fraternity have shown me the value of interpersonal connection and honest conversation. In my pursuit of bettering the fraternity experience for all Delts, I will exercise these characteristics to achieve the ideals and visions of the undergraduate body.
Palmieri: In what ways do you see the value of mentorship in the Fraternity?
Welch: Mentorship is a necessity for all Delts, and I believe that connecting with alumni, advisors and Delts across the nation will lead to a more holistic and valuable experience in the long run. As brothers, we each share a unique connection and bond with one another. It is vital to the longevity and success of Delta Tau Delta that we each assist and support one another in any way we can. I encourage all brothers to serve as a mentor and guide for all the young men aspiring to exemplify the characteristics that make each of us Delts.