Chi Chapter Distinguished Alumni Panel
On Sept. 13, more than 50 alumni, actives and invited guests of Delta Tau Delta (Chi Chapter) at Kenyon College convened at the Shelter for a morning of networking and mentorship. The event marked the third annual Byron Horn Mentorship Panel. Undergraduates were provided with a unique opportunity to interface with established alumni in their intended career discipline. In addition to receiving valuable career advice, actives are also learning how to leverage their experiences as Delts to obtain highly competitive entry level positions and admittance to graduate school.
Ellie Horn opened up the session with some remarks about her father, Byron. Ellie spoke of what her father meant to her in her life and how he was a mentor and role model. She also spoke of how proud he would be of this event and how it is an inspiration to her and her family. Following a brief opening from the panel’s moderator, Alex Hetherington (1989), a former U.S Marine Corps helicopter pilot, each member of the panel took the podium to discuss how they chose their current professions and their time as Delts at Kenyon College. The floor was then open for questions from the audience.
This year the panel consisted of a diverse group of alumni ranging from executives from Fortune 500 companies to entrepreneurs. Panelists included: Chris Bonacci (1988), a maxillofacial surgeon in McLean, Via.; Bobby Noyes (1989), the CEO of Rocky Mounts, Inc. in Boulder, Colo.; Chuck Peruchini (1991), a managing director for Navigant Consulting in Chicago, Ill.; Tim Stautberg (1985), senior vice president of Scripps Newspapers in Cincinnati, Ohio; and Scott Sterling (1982), senior director of Abercrombie & Fitch in Columbus, Ohio.
All of the alumni panelists firmly believe the experiences and opportunities afforded by Delta Tau Delta provide valuable real-life training for any career. Furthermore, Delts who have developed excellent written and spoken communication skills are far and away more prepared to succeed in their careers. A common theme throughout the panel discussion was the credit to their Delt brothers for being a wonderful source of support throughout their challenging business and personal life.
After the panel concluded, the group convened for a tailgate next to McBride Field. Under the confines of a large tent, the alumni and students enjoyed burgers and brats grilled by Zach Cooper (1999) along with a large spread of food and drinks. Many thanks to Chris Bonacci for sponsoring the tailgate as well as Don Gest (1986) who organized all of the day’s events.
The annual mentorship panel is one of many benefits that the Byron Horn Mentorship program offers to the brothers of Chi Chapter. The program was formed by the Chi Chapter Alumni Association in honor of Byron Horn (1986). The panel and program each seek to instill the same hard work and dedication Horn demonstrated as a Delt, father, husband and established law professional. Unrivaled by the other fraternities at Kenyon College, Chi Chapter boasts the only program of this kind and caliber. The Byron Horn Mentorship Program is yet another example of Delta Tau Delta's dedication to lives of excellence.